129858981802031250_0Almost unit in anonymous killers: hacker organizations or political as well Analysis of anonymous (Anonymous Analytics) is short of a new star. This body of established less than a year, has issued a short report but 3 articles, attract, calm, but not small: before singing empty qihoo 360, its first attraction was September last year short Super agriculture, leading to its independent external auditors BDO de Hao Hua ying CPA firm to resign;Thereafter attacking huabao international in April this year, making China's biggest supplier of flavors, Asia's largest by market capitalisation, flavor manufacturing enterprise shares overnight plunge 20%. But it claimed that he was not short body. In short qihoo 360 report, anonymous analysis of introduce themselves: "we are not shorting the body, anonymous analysis did not directly or indirectly holds or the empty theWill all of the securities referred to in. "" Please call our ' anonymous analysis ', we never use individual names. "One person anonymous research in response to reporter's e-mail said. This whimsical style, and other short body like in front of the media, the founder of very different high profile exposure. It is not a fragrant citrate already engaged in short 12 years, nor had done in the airStature of muddy water in the unit. Through anonymous means anonymous analysis, deliberately donned the veil of mystery for themselves. Political hack organization? "We use unusual methods to obtain information. "This is an anonymous analysis website slogan. In fact, this unusual approach, from the unusual nature of the institution. And chest-clear by retail investors shorting the body mechanism is notIs that anonymous analysis is a more called "anonymous" (Anonymous) branches of the organization. Which is a loose global network--despite the scale of the public it is not widely understood. The financial times called it a loose organization of hackers action: there is no formal membership, they work together to engage in pranks, protest, or variousType of civil disobedience. The organization claims that it's main purpose is to support in Zimbabwe, and India and other countries to campaign against corruption, while Iran people's criticism of their Government to provide security of the platform. At first under and short body do not have relations, political ideals and enthusiasm completely beyond the control of financial markets, but anonymous analysis said, their main task is toTransferred to the corporate level, monitor the degree of transparency, is particularly concerned that lack of good corporate governance, as well as the involvement of large fraud enterprise. It recognized that, taking into account its "joint venture guild wars 2 power leveling, partner, associate, member organizations, consultants, customers, and other parties" held short positions, it does not exclude qihoo 360 cases there are some individuals in "indirect interest". Anonymous analysis of visionSay, their members include global analysts, accountants and statisticians, computer experts and lawyers all sorts of experts. Analysis of anonymous told reporters refused to reveal exactly how many people were involved in qihoo 360 reports in writing, saying only that "We tracked qihoo 360 has been for some time." What's interesting is, anonymous analysis of the reports issued qihoo 360Hou, and citrate andelu��laifute, founder of very positive messages through his system forwards the reported link address, and generally do not refer to each other between the short body and recommended different habits of industry. From Chinese managers looking for gaps, but anonymous singing on an empty China stock analysis, and General shorting works just the same. "We feel that Zhou hongyi is aInteresting people. Fair to say that we believe that he is quite clever, but may have been used in the wrong place. "Analysis of anonymous told the reporter that," for example, we hear qihoo 360 and analyst conference call, although week generally speak English, but he said that as far as possible. He was a man of great perseverance and determination, it is good. But the problem is, he chose toThrough a number of suspicious commercial operation to hurt or angered the public, which was a waste of their talents. "Anonymous analysis and shorting report, evaluation of Zhou hongyi I occupy a considerable length, from its early experience at 3,721, later founded qihoo 360 all the twists and turns are mentioned. Previously, fragrant citrate research founder of the Lefort told this newspaper said, through researchA character and history of the executives of listed companies, can often be found for effects of a management style, which often work in Chinese enterprises are. "Such as qihoo 360 Zhou hongyi, he is a very radical and controversial figure, he kind of personal personality into their enterprise management mode. "He said. Anonymous analysis of significant learningThis experience has been. On the shorting China concept stocks, anonymous analysis it is clear that tasted a lot of taste. After published reports attacking large agriculture for the first time, the Hong Kong Government investigation Super, resulted in their stock tumbling 26%, was subsequently suspended. Since then, large agricultural auditor replacement on several occasions, people increasingly believe that an anonymous analysis of said deficiency. Some hedge funds or even believe that anonymous analysis in ultra-Large influence on agriculture gw2 power leveling, more than turbid water then shorting the market waves caused by Sino-forest. Anonymous analysis huabao international investigation, questioning its high income, high-margin data falsification, and high dividends to attract investors, executives cashed, such as reducing the opportunity to, once a drag on Chinese private enterprises listed in Hong Kong also fell. But an anonymous analysis revealed that they did not want toPositioning themselves in specializing in Chinese stocks. Ironic tone in their reports, said: "we study from China started, not because Chinese companies have more than Western companies of fraud, but because they are not very good at hiding things done myself. For capital markets, China is a novice, Chinese professional managers on how to steal from capital markets, it is not cookedPracticing. "In order to prove this, anonymous analysis revealed to reporters, their next strategy was" to stay away from China for a period of time ":" in fact, we will focus on Western companies, our next objective of the report is a Western company. I do not comment on why we have to do, but interesting challenges do indeed exist. ��

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