129859145660468750_350 "Three-high" Hubei Yinfeng high inventory risk approximation to escape the hedge losses Downstream of the cotton industry continued to loss, meant that Hubei Yinfeng making enterprises difficult to find sales in the market space, only able to rely on hedging and acquisition of State-owned reserves, both of which are not too optimistic this year. "The journalists from the securities industry was also informed that the current market conditions are not conducive to cotton and enterprise development, Hubei Yinfeng cotton resistant to change in the short term high liability risk。 As an industry leading enterprise, future performance in Hubei Yinfeng cotton do? Taobao systolic high inventories to escape loss this week, Hubei Yinfeng insiders disclosed to the securities, "the company revenue higher cotton prices this year". Yesterday, the Soochow futures industry researcher in understanding the operating condition of the Hubei Yinfeng last year after the reporters of the securities analysis, "publicDivisions for 2011 sales accounted for only 20% per cent of State-owned reserves, have little coverage last year on the hedge. In the case of cotton products most of the digestive tract through the market, if you continue to slump this year, will certainly lose. "Hubei Yinfeng prospectus shows that June, 2009 cotton reserves Management Corporation of China is its largest customer. 2009 publicDivision to State reserve sales of 909.3775 million Yuan, sales income proportion 47.3% 2011 to sell State-owned reserves 943.3514 million Yuan gw2 power leveling, accounted for more than 22.37%. Journalist of the securities at the same time notes that in 2011, the company buys insurance coverage declined. Company's interpretation of this is, mainly due to the seed cotton purchasing strong seasonality, in cityLower ongoing cases, the introduction does not appear in the short term sharp price rises, buying hedge need to reduce, you reduce the buy hedge positions. However, the Soochow futures industry researcher said, operate in accordance with Hubei Yinfeng habits, current cotton inventories should be very high. In 2011 hedge reduced circumstances, these inventories in the spiral of falling cotton prices this yearCase, will definitely increase the company's costs. It is understood that the 2010 cotton about 30,000 dollars a tonne at the end of guild wars 2 power leveling, and cotton domestic standard grade about 18,350 Yuan a tonne, nearly half cut SB in two at the waist. Difficult high liability risk to enlarge while the cotton industry in the lower overall debt ratio is relatively high, rates of indebtedness however Hubei Yinfeng close to 90%, still have concerns cotton industryDevelopment of eyebrows. Corporate earnings showed that nearly three years report asset-liability ratio of the parent company, 94.27%, 88.86%, respectively. Company explained that the main reason lies in the cycle of cotton processing and marketing industry is not consistent with the fiscal year, so the end of the year, corporate debt will reach a maximum. However, even in cotton sales to repay debtPoint in time, the company asset-liability ratio remains in-60%. Aware of the securities, corporate debt reduced, dependent on increases in net assets on the one hand, the other hand relies on cotton sales return situation. However from the cotton trade in Anhui Province told reporters of the securities, downstream of cotton textile enterprises, since the beginning of the second half of last year was a loss, the situation in thisYears of continuity. China textile industry association's latest data also show that in January-April this year, national textile enterprises above designated size benefits declined significantly, nearly one-fifth per cent loss, loss-up 120%. "This means that lint sales this year is not going well, Hubei Yinfeng liability risk will increase further. "Soochow futures said.Purchasing difficult high expectations or hopes for domestic cotton enterprises, takeover of the State reserve is the most important. It is understood that between March 31 and September 8 last year, cotton GB level III purchasing fixed-price is 19,800 Yuan/ton. As the new year, acquired State-owned reserves have not started this year, but industry insiders are expected to purchase price of about 20,400 Yuan/ton, slightlyAbove the current market price. However it is worth noting that this is, and is not limited to buy last year, but this year the acquisition not determined. "Domestic stocks have reached high, certainly not unlimited, bought State-owned reserves, which impacts on cotton enterprises should not be overlooked, expectations are too high are clearly not appropriate. "Industry said. According to the latest data, current inventory of national cotton industry of about 1022,000 tons, an increase of 2.4%. The cotton industry considers that, in the real market, cotton enterprises difficult to obtain better development space this year, compared to 2009, unilateral, cotton fell to benefit hedge's situation, risk of futures market this year will also increase, companies such as Hubei Yinfeng profit decline is indisputable. 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129859145517343750_45 Reverse repurchase released strong Central Bank further 143 billion days drop expected 125 billion dollars in the last week help banks through reverse repurchase operations six months after the examination, on July 3 and then use big Central Bank open market guild wars 2 power leveling, 143 billion yuan reverse repurchase operations, hit a reverse repurchase operations this year high. Nevertheless, apart from the overnight rates down more, and other period of money market interest rates remained at a high level. "On Thursday (July 5) payBefore reserve can't down the market. "According to a State-owned trader. Pay reserves only in July the Bank funds first "final exam". "July real maturity funding is only about 26 billion dollars at present, taking into account the Foreign Exchange accounts for low increase is expected in July will be the central banks falling again to ease the base currency to inject less than sensitive time window. "Guotai JunanPublished on July 2 study perspectives fairly representative. Interest rate cuts can be expected to heat up, but large differences. Chief Economist at the Bank of communications, lianping panshan (micro-blogging) finds that, although did not rule out interest rate cuts may be slightly again, but the current benchmark deposit and lending rates in more than 10 years on average, and having regard to the annual CPI rose less than 3% the likelihood ofSmall, sharp drop in benchmark interest rates further in the future is unlikely. "Reverse repurchase drop" or reproduce the effect, in addition to the 125 billion yuan of public bidding, the talk in the market last week, the Central Bank also has 105 billion direct reverse repurchase, while last week's repurchase and commercial maturity amount total 72 billion yuan, so NET invested nearly 300 billion open market. But this could not be sustainedCapital market solutions for surface tension, the first trading day after the half-point at the end on July 2, interbank markets in addition to the 7-day repo rate downward more than more than 10 basis points to 4.17%, other period has seen its repo rate up. On that day, the Central Bank to reverse the dealer repo, market expectations of continued this week reverse repurchase operations. Effects of 143 billion days3rd reverse repurchase quasi Central Bank release strong drop expected Central Bank has two reverse repurchase operations on the open market, which size 7 days 38 billion yuan, bidding interest rates 3.95%; size 14 days 105 billion yuan, the bid interest rate of 4.1%, declined 5 basis points last week. However, money market interest rates remained higher than the bid in a reverse repurchase rate. 3rd, 7-day ShiBOR rose three basis points to 0.83, 14 day period fell by four basis points to 4.25. Biggest drop was leftover shibor, fell three basis points to 36.17. "Reverse repurchase bidding lower interest rates in order to boot the secondary market interest rates down. Overnight funds is not so tense, but other periodsFinancial pressure is greater, on Thursday after it will be better. "These traders, banking, 5th, 15th and 25th of every month based on the established point in time deposit calculation and scope should be paid into the reserve, and has surrendered part of liquidation, and since the end of June Bank salt deposits, on July 5 to pay the reserve would be more. After that, theBanks will also face financial seasonal growth of deposits, Bank bonuses more than 200 billion, "blood", financed in expire July open market by the sharp decline in foreign exchange accounts for growth is expected to remain weak, Central Bank's drop appears to be like an arrow in the bow--poised to strike again. "In second quarter monetary policy meeting, the Central Bank said use a variety of monetary policy tools, boot smooth moderate monetary and credit growth, coupled with the in May 'Reverse repurchase drop ' modes of operation, are showing signs of reduction will continue in the future, July was a sensitive time window. "Guotai Junan securities, believes that reduced funding stability with immediate effect, and reverse repurchase operations compared to the short-term adjustment tool, bringing Brigadier General ensure the steady growth of monetary growth, thus contributing to funding long-term stability in interest rates. Lianping pointed out that,Reduction may also be moderately increased Bank funds available capacity, Bank lending increased capacity to promote credit growth to rise slowly in the future. Reduction of real estate hampered monetary policy in July, markets and analysts seem to reach a consensus, and for short term possibility of further interest rate cuts, larger differences. Greater impact from interest rate cuts expected movements in inflation trendsAgencies agree on the CPI will continue to line the Basic, forecast for the June CPI rose is currently at around 2.4%, is less than 3% for the first time since June 2010. "The global economy will be in a low growth, China's economic growth will rely more on internal consumption and investment. As the downward pressure on the CPI declined significantly, as well as economic growth independently in the short termDifficult to eliminate, will further ease monetary policy in the second half, in August to reduce benchmark interest rates more likely. "Gold in July 2 gw2 power leveling, according to the report. However, lianping believes that price rises in June continued to fall, but the four quarters may swing around the up, having regard to the annual CPI rose less than 3% is a small possibility, substantial room for a downward adjustment in interest rates of deposits has largely been sealed,Benchmark lending interest rates coupled with a floating expanding market lending rates downward trend will be formed in the future. "Run from a macroeconomic point of view, the sharp drop in benchmark interest rates further in the future is unlikely. From further improving the corporate financing environment, reduce the cost of financing point of view, nor does it preclude small cuts may again. But we do not think it will enter the interest rate cut throughRoad, this is not only because the inflationary pressures taking into account the medium-and long-term, sustained repeated interest rate cuts will be excessive pressure on Bank margins, are not conducive to the smooth running of banking. "He said. Despite the expected further easing of monetary policy, but gold also noted that CPI inflation steady growth and control of monetary policy at the same time, should also be concerned about the risk of asset bubbles, and relatively loose monetaryEnvironment and control housing bubble there are certain contradictions. "Four seasons are still lowering benchmark interest rates at a time of possible, but the uncertainty is large, greatest uncertainty arises from changes in the real estate market, if there was a marked rise in real estate prices, monetary policy will tend to be cautious, the possibility of further interest rate cuts are unlikely. "Relevant reports the Central Bank and then use reverse repurchase NET this week put 197 billion the Central Bank yesterday 95 billion reverse repurchase June investment will exceed 300 billion Bank May restart 14 days later reverse repurchase operations volume 95 billion-24 billion net reverse repurchase funds this week the Central Bank injected 41 billion [scroll] Kweichow moutai clarify 2017 sales revenue of billions (07-04) [Scroll] 30% steel production capacity away from Shanghai Baosteel this part in transition materials for service providers (07-04) [scroll] Chinese happiness increased sales in April-June, up near 45% (07-04) [scroll] XI Jinping met with Thailand Foreign Minister Sulak Pont (07-04) [scroll]Li keqiang, meets Portugal, Minister of State and Foreign Minister Paulo Portas (07-04) [scroll] Jinhe bio-requisitioning guidelines tomorrow (07-04) [scroll] guotai Junan: Jinhe bio-inquiry-16.62 Yuan (07-04) [scroll] Jiangsu local taxation Bureau7 layers, Deputy Director falls to the police for investigation (figure) (07-04) [scroll] sent in June to the registration in Hong Kong of the sale and purchase agreement fell 27% (07-04) [scroll] vanke A6 months sales 13.3 billion sales of 62.5 billion yuan in the first half (07-04) [scroll]Park in non-public enterprises such as China will strengthen the development zone, party organization leading role (07-04) [scroll] social security audits: social security funds not included in the financial accounts management in some areas (07-04) [scroll] national garlic prices fell (07-04) [scroll] development and Reform Commission:Power energy-saving emission reduction and international competition (07-04) [scroll] Prof Qin Hui: Government's power and responsibility should correspond to (07-04) [scroll] Prof Qin Hui: Greece is a selfish country (07-04) [scroll] higher than the expected increase in May retail sales in the eurozone monthly rate (07-04) [scroll] Prof Qin Hui: globalization led to eurozone financial overdrafts (07-04) [scroll] 42 companies will finance rare earth project grants (07-04) [scroll] Prof Qin Hui: solve pension problems must be abolished and family planning (07-04) [scroll] Prof Qin Hui: family planning caused China's old-age crisis (07-04) [scroll] justices of the replenishment casualty insurers 300 million dollars of shareholders ' proportions (07-04) [scroll] Beijing since July, increase the proportion of 16 kinds of malignant tumor therapeutic claims (07-04) [scroll] ginseng is expected to become2 new resources food companies or benefit (07-04) [scroll] Kunming pharmaceutical interim net profits pre-additional-30% (07-04) [scroll] July 4 thousands futures firm offer accounts shows (07-04) [scroll] ten agencies: infinite bounce is purely nonsense fundsFled is thereby to be cautious (07-04) [scroll] July 4 unit multiples over 1000 times times (listed) (07-04) [scroll] Han information being holds 5% holdings of shareholders above unit (07-04) [scroll] tianwei baobian were shareholders cumulative reduction of 850 shares 0.62% per cent of the total share capital (07-04) [scroll] Sugitachi in Ningbo: technical resistance appeared and Shanghai copper down slightly (07-04) [scroll] ruida Futures: continuous plastics short-term or adjust the center line can still be seen (07-04) [scroll] 4th cities dynamic cityProfit rate of less than 10 times times shares (listed) (07-04) [scroll] Shanghai China: top pressures callback risk to highlight the PTA (07-04) [scroll] approach clear high temperature heat control measures in China (07-04) [scroll] sugar market extended jiancang reboundSeason to look forward to (07-04) [scroll] Shen Hua 60% equity holdings to be 50 million acquisition of Kunshan special purpose vehicle (07-04) [scroll] Galaxy Futures: Shanghai zinc will be the end of rebound into the down trend (07-04) [scroll] first half of a-share IPO to raiseCollection funds of $ 11.57 billion fell 52% (07-04) [scroll] Sugitachi in Ningbo: cotton lack of breakthrough Cheng (07-04) are very stylish Office Tower gas shortage | Hat built high sports Park Golf course | Official accused of pocketing 223 national development in ChinaInvest $ 3.36 trillion | 50 provincial development zone dense "running" conspiracy to upgrade national land agency or State violations | Land transfer price or relief | Original Wuxi Bureau of land and resources bribery claims to be clean wenling people queued late at night House [financial] Hangzhou, Guangdong quality supervision Bureau bus spends over 40 million are now sky-high camel milk [financial] noTin assignment enterprises still 128 million proceeds of the plots were discount 32% [financial] representations of original Wuxi officials clean: the developer is on official business, such as a red envelope [financial] Tangshan reported dozens of farmers due to real-Bank "loan" of retaliation after [stock] high sent in turn first unit appeared distant photoelectric proposes 10 10 3[stock] people dailyDays of comments on capital markets appears to be interpreting it is out [business] Nokia reassessment: sunset West Hill post-PC era how to Microsoft [commercial] Japan Mobile Internet Lei Jun on the Zhou and the worsening of the mysteries behind the [financial] 1 million yuan in foreign bank 5 years storage period interest differential up to 90,000 [financial] Hangzhou is sky-high camel milkNew savings bonds with a 10th last ten yin and Yang States in the world in Hollywood who is the gold?

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129858981811562500_20 Auction price of 170,000: gathers the deal over the alleged "conspiracy to faking evidence" "E-bang power net" for beginning auctions on position of the Ju deal, it was stated that it is increasingly equitable, it was felt that it is increasingly skewed. Such a dispute for ju deal is probably a good thing. And Taobao anti-corruption storm than before at least this is the case. Because the resource configuration hung upside down, some holding a glimmer of Taobao small sellers are often able to control life and death, of poly-value equityAnd legitimacy of already history falls to a record low in the mouth. However, the auction did not radically change the status quo of Taobao sellers, they complain and not silent because of the eradication of corruption. In contrast, some businesses have found that the public auction scheduled substance is ju deal will have small private Insider became publicized "amass money." "From the previous, onlyWas the removal of the veil. "Conspiracy the opportunity to become a faking evidence? Billion State power network found that from July 2, poly-value judging categories scheduled auction for the first time, from each category starting price of 1000 dollars gw2 power leveling, fifty thousand or sixty thousand dollars to the final each of the dust has settled pit, sold for a lot of businesses prohibitive high. Cosmetic items alone, traded as high as 170,000. On July 2, July 16-bit value "Although there are cheaper transactions, but you actually can be as expensive as this far! Last is wool from the sheep? This is a problem. "Shanghai merchants sighed. For very high auction results, gather cost-effective new head, Mr Tommy CHEUNG, Chief Executive of Alibaba group questioning was due to evil. "If the seller72-hour payment, penalty of 1000, deduct 6 points, so please bid carefully. "Whether or not there is malicious competitors bids, poly auction cost-effective emission in existing deficiencies in the mechanisms and rules is inevitable. "We are groping, there must be many loopholes, is aimed at system can these issues do not occur in the future. "Mr Tommy Cheung said in microblogging. SoAnd, even the final turnover of about 50,000 yuan, still lie in the hearts of most small sellers Jian: because the auction has no limit, poly-worth of new money into public competition. This seems to be contrary to the original intent of poly-cost-effective introduction of auctions scheduled: in order to optimize the commodity group purchase on-line process to ensure that Ju deal as businesses effective marketing services platform of fair and transparent. PolyWorth trying to such open competition, avoiding the small room for rent and the risks of corruption. Previously, due to poly-value the original mechanisms of vulnerability, businesses are able to get better resources, sometimes seen and had the resources dominance of the second regards the relationship between near and far. Part poly cost-effective employee that he wanted to do, small conspired, thus pocketing, shops miserable. The marketIndividual businesses under pressure from the second authority, sending hundreds of thousands of cars for study on cost-effective opportunities. Public auction schedules, it reduces the weight of the category of small human intervention. But in addition, Ju deal essentially remains under the influence of other factors: like money. Due to the large merchant base, when the vast majority of businesses eligible for activities registration and certification standards, poly-valueNeed a mechanism to measure and decisions the final entrants, then PPC is obviously not a second choice. PPC direct effects is self-evident: Matthew effect has become increasingly clear, businesses increased differentiation, resource allocation is increasingly centralized. "Wealthy sellers can afford to play, small sellers can only chagrin. "Traders believe that auction schedule in the short term, open and transparentPrinciples for commercial s, long-term development, only made of poly-value from the original promotional tool, and eventually become a strong constant, constant of the weak by the strong and weak watershed. Ecological environment fissile led to poly-value-enhanced industry analysis, nature evolution of poly-value is no accident, and accompanied by the eco-environmental conditions of Taobao fission occurs. Early poly-value, is as a low price discountDeduction of promotional products. It can accelerate a sales of goods, and stores popularity growth and new user acquisition. This position is clearly more fit with the image when Taobao's low price, and Taobao user base price sensitivity, also determine the study gathered a huge deal in a short time and efficient transformation of high quality traffic. Such a return, so that Taobao shops cutHead competing sports opportunities. But with the rise of big brands, big sellers in Taobao, Taobao tried to cater to small sellers are in direct competition with the first two downwind. As days cats gradually split small sellers Taobao eventually divided into three, poly-value orientation is also increasing, as the big sellers and brands have the money advantage, you can feedback platforms. "NoOn the small private collection of money, is now also an open auction, for businesses is nothing more than spend the money into people's pockets. The rules of the game are the decisive factors can afford to spend this amount of money you spend. "Traders noted that Ju deal without a change in nature, competition mechanism is adopted, for most businesses, and are very difficult to reach. The other hand guild wars 2 power leveling, apart from the evolution of the species, TaobaoSenior strategic adjustments to its overall impact poly cost-effective balance point. Millions of State power grid from the person that, as a respite for one year, Taobao began to focus on SNS and of quality, and this is Ma 2C market is the most stressed lately. Taobao SNS means more marketing resources will expand as a free community, quality means of Taobao (especially daysCAT) will be gradually reduced promotional scale and intensity. From some time in the past, Taobao to link closed VIP promotional channels and specials every day channel and other promotional platforms in favour of HREM Rabbit punch, love shopping, at Amoy Gardens found communities such as chemical products, a direct reflection of this adjustment. But Taobao to profits, Ju deal is not a free lunch. Merchants, poly cost-effective for merchantsMarketing services, and Taobao, days like cats, is always one possibility of generating revenue and profit of the group, Ali platform. "Charges of poly-value as one of the few promotional projects will inevitably raise the threshold. "These businesses believe that, in addition to margin and service rates deduction points usually revenues means, poly-effective, advertising and marketing platforms such as the through train, gold coin, in Taobao transition,Shouldering more of the income-generation missions. To this end, the Ju deal announced in March this year, start to actual turnover more than a certain percentage of Commission. According to statistics, a day cat shops participating in the Ju deal, in addition to paying 3% Commission, also have to pay tens of thousands of auction fees; coupled with the placing of 2 Yuan of delivery costs; and the packet mail freight, returns, such as cost,Do not really cost effective. Nevertheless, also recognized the traders to the auction. "At least through financial hard power such as Bipin screening screening business of soft power. General, operations with a limited inventory, page not on the small sellers, shipping is slow on a poly-value, can only make a maximum of 30,000. Sell home 5wanlai auction, note he has emboldened by the business earned more than 40,000. ���� DangSo, one could argue that holds a similar view sellers belonging to auction a big success with vested interests, but in any case, brutal and relatively fair under the auction hammer knock, losers may not necessarily be ju deal. Publicly available data shows that in 2011, the poly-value annual turnover has exceeded 10 billion yuan.

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129859193739687500_45 Nanfang daily news (Xinhua/interns/Cheng Xi Liao Shuwen) official website of Guangzhou City industrial and commercial Bureau recently announced a circulation of frozen food inspection results in the second quarter of this year, one brand dog and relax package pork due to excessive aerobic, Hai Pa classic cuttlefish containing Staphylococcus aureus "blacklist". In the past year, Hai Pa Wang was checked twice product quality questionAs stated. Well-known brands of dog and sea fighter exactly where is the problem? Both companies have responded by saying, sampling the unqualified product problems are in circulation. Business sector indicated that companies see the circulation problems of proof required, otherwise gw2 power leveling, it is "sophistry". Dogs do not care about 50 boxes of product recall yesterday, Nanfang daily more than reporters visited Guangzhou supermarket, found that dogs do not care packageChild and Overlord a variety of fish and sea products in normal sales. Supermarket staff revealed that the sampling results will not affect the two trade and industry sales of brand-name products, supermarket sales of business as usual, buying enthusiasm of the public is not reduced. It is understood that the Secretary for trade and industry the sampling includes frozen and pre-packed flour and rice food and frozen fishballs, meatballs, a total of 59 batch samples, test items include lead, aerobic, And coliform, Staphylococcus aureus, Dehydroacetic Acid, labels, and so on. Results showed that physical quality, 56, with a pass rate of 94.92%. Among them guild wars 2 power leveling, "dog and relax package pork" (500g/2012-2-23) colony unqualified is checked out. "Hai Pa classic cuttlefish" (2012-4-9) is detection of Staphylococcus aureus,Can cause acute food poisoning. Tianjin of baozi is my dog out of the bun brand, renowned at home and abroad, respected by consumers. Why goubuli quality of this black list? Dog food limited in charge said that batches of products with the sampling problem of products with 100 boxes, 20 bags per case, basically are sold in Guangdong. Company was only in May this year the defendantKnown product issues, when the company by agents immediately recalled about 50 boxes of products remaining on the market. This responsible person stressed, companies to test related products, found no excessive aerobic, the company believes that sampling is not eligible due to circulation problems. Already sell products how to dispose of, and whether it will give consumers the appropriate compensation forDogs disregard the company says there are no measures in this regard. Hai Pa Wang for two years on the third degree "black list" in November and December last year, Bureau of industry and Commerce and the city of quality and technical supervision Bureau checked out a number of times, respectively "Hai Pa classics including the heart fish balls" and "Hai Pa Wang skin crispy dumplings in" excess of Staphylococcus aureus. Once again, the city industrial and commercial Bureau sampling, Hai Pa classic cuttlefish because of Staphylococcus aureus "Blacklist ". Guangzhou Bureau of industry and Commerce said that Staphylococcus aureus is a common pathogenic bacteria, can cause diarrhea and pneumonia. Colony over foods, after eating can cause vomiting, diarrhea, bacterial poisoning. In this regard, the seas Hai Pa Wang bawang international group (Shantou) food company responded by saying, the Group has strict quality requirements for products, each product has been tested andOnly factory. Upon receipt of the Guangzhou Bureau of industry and commerce on "Hai Pa classic cuttlefish" Staphylococcus aureus after excessive testing report, the Group has made to the product off the shelf, recall, and done testing it again, but the Group had not Staphylococcus aureus exceeded. Hai Pa Wang, suspected to be the product in the transport stage, or in the supermarket freezer temperature is not low enough, causing bacteria etcHygiene at all times. Why Hai Pa Wang two years on three black list? The company thinks that a product problems that appear after it leaves the factory. "Hai Pa Wang skin crispy dumplings" overproof of Staphylococcus aureus are, in fact, national Ministry of health in December 21, 2011 introduced new standards on quality of quick-frozen flour products requirements, allow the product to detect Staphylococcus aureus, but control within a certain range. PreviouslyRequirements are not Staphylococcus aureus was detected, there is a also considered excessive. Because of his previous standard of reasonable enough, Sea King product is Staphylococcus aureus was detected at that time exceeded. Hai Pa Wang commitment, the group will strengthen the supervision to ensure product factory-qualified, and coordination with transportation companies, dealers, ensuring product quality after it leaves the factory. Secretary for trade and industry: EnterpriseTwo Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of proof presentation, for detecting quality problems of brand, Secretary for Commerce and industry will be at the next sampling "special attention". And for two consecutive times a year there is a problem, businesses and supermarkets involved is interviewed. However, Hai Pa products respectively last year by the Bureau of industry and Commerce and the city of quality and technical supervision Bureau checked out, so Hai Pa Wang had not been interviewed. Industry sources, Frozen food frequency issues, on the one hand may be lax checks of production enterprises, the production of food is not in itself eligible; Alternatively, you may be associated with lower levels of logistics and distribution capabilities. Perishable foods, such as frozen foods, from the producer to the final consumer in the course of, probably on more than 80% time in distribution, transport, so this link there is a high probability of contamination. In Guangzhou CitySecretary for trade and industry officials said food enterprise product sampling is not qualified, the problem may be in production or circulation, but to put the blame to the circulation, two aspects of proof needed. First is to detect with batches of products, proof of the production process quality problem does not exist. Followed by circulation problems of proof, such as contaminated in the save or save does not match the conditionCollection requirements, and so on. Otherwise, enterprises have to take responsibility and give consumers the appropriate compensation. Business sector reminders, customer shall present to buy substandard food shopping and food packaging to return sales units. Food safety experts say, to get rid of Staphylococcus aureus in food is also not difficult: because they are sensitive to temperature, are particularly vulnerable at high temperature. More than 46??, the bacteria cannot hold; under 55 degrees centigrade, 90% bacterial pole 3 minutes; Cook dumplings temperature, than "second kill" also swift.

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129859145693906250_421 IPO business development by Baidu sogou shocks 360 Highway Sogou repurchase shares from Alibaba, its purpose was clearly prepared for separate listing. Two years ago, sogou Sohu split officially became an independent company, and introduced strategic investors such as Alibaba, Yun Feng fund joint investment. However, less than two years of marriage, was recently painted a full stop. The day before yesterday evening, Sohu Announces $ 25.8 million repurchase after AlibabaShares held all of the dog. Why did you choose this time repurchase, Sohu, sogou, Alibaba respects all muffled, declined to comment. But industry are relatively uniform, sogou repurchase shares in order to separate listing. Previously, market rumours, the dog will be listing next year, when listed by the Board of Trustees valuation target of us $ 2 billion. However, search dogs to big, Must be on the 360, Baidu on these "stumbling block". Ali cashed $ 25.8 million on August 9, 2010, sogou Sohu split up, and introduced Alibaba, and Zhang Yun Feng Fund individual investment funds, Photon Group of strategic investors, among them, 10.88% injection of $ 15 million per cent share of Alibaba. However, this marriage was clearlyA hasty marriage. Because these agreements reached 1.5 months ago, Charles Zhang and Ma getting in contact. When splitting, sogou situation of great distress, search market share is less than 1%, the browser market share is less than 1%, this market share is almost negligible. Qihoo 360 Zhou hongyi, Chairman plans sogou acquisitions over and almost ZhangThe acquisition agreement. Zhou hongyi calculation is, through the acquisition of sogou, achieve the combination of browser and search, which have the capacity to rival Baidu. However, single-handedly founded sogou sogou CEO Wang xiaochuan did not wish to see the flowers of his house. In order to maintain the integrity and control over the dog, invest Hangzhou, Wang xiaochuan to Ma sogou. Because Alibaba and Baidu, MA are also ready to develop its own search business, so that "Baidu sleep sleep", so, MA to intervene to persuade Zhang to abandon plans for a sold the dog to Zhou hongyi, so with this marriage. Public information display, after marriage, Alibaba, Yun Feng Fund, Charles Zhang's private funds, sogou, respectively about 10.88%, and 16% Stake, the remainder being of Sohu. To strategic investors rather than entering the dog found the Alibaba financial investment, but did not play the role of strategic investors. Industry insiders pointed out that Alibaba has its own search plan (June 2011, the company launched a Amoy network), additional resources will not be delivered to the dog, this is Alibaba sogou lukewarmThe key. Wang xiaochuan recently said in an internal message to employees: "with the strategic upgrade of sogou, difficult at the strategic level of the group, Ali gw2 power leveling, we expect to continue to strengthen support for the dog. "The two sides parted, are inevitable. However, the buy-back price of US $ 25.8 million, meant that current valuations only against sogou as $ 237 million, according to market rumours searchDog on dog listing of the Board's objective valuation is $ 2 billion. Therefore, the industry generally believe that, Ali $ 25.8 million in the sale of the shares, belonging to the sale, doesn't think much of sogou, Ali, is likely to be in the future. When Alibaba staff interviewed by Nan responded by saying: "this is just a business, the price is right on the line. Is not optimistic about the dogIn the future. "Mobile Internet industry association Deputy President and Secretary General Li Yi said when accepting an interview with the South," Ali told Sohu is the combination a hasty, a strategic need. Later, Ali himself had many commitments unfulfilled, and there have been scouring a competition, so breaking up is reasonable. Sogou wings were hard to solo, AliTo a substantial break fee, you can provide a cash support for its privatization, so this break up break up peaceful, is beneficial to both sides. "Sogou prepared for a separate listing for sogou repurchase shares from Alibaba, its purpose was clearly prepared for separate listing. Since Sohu split in isolation, since the dog business on the high speed development track. Sohu PHIMonroe reported a first quarter of 2012, sogou achieving revenues of $ 23 million in the first quarter of this year, representing a growth of 184% since August 2010 after the split, sogou has in the past 7 in the quarter to keep the compound annual growth rate of 23.1%, 330% in revenue is split, flow has doubled. According to Wang xiaochuan revealed that dog in the second quarter revenuesWill reach 28 million-$ 29 million, total revenues of up to 50 million-US $ 55 million in the first half, 2012 annual revenue is expected to nearly US $ 100 million to 150 million. Wang xiaochuan wrote to sogou employees in a letter that "20 months, sogou search market share more than twice times, and in October 2011 for the first time more Google becomes the secondDazhongwen search engine; sogou incomes enhance nearly 8 times times, and in the third quarter of 2011, four-quarter profit for the first time; the dog found the number of employees more than 3 times to enhance, in 2012 a quarter scale over thousand years, have the strength to begin (are) on a larger scale strategic layout. "It is clear that today's sogou, and split when the dog has found a far cry from just two years ago. Shark's fin soupWing hard dog found a separate listing, also it is ripe. However, Wang xiaochuan recently have repeatedly expressed on many occasions, sogou before adjustment of industrial layout does not have good, before the user failed to do enough big, listed in no hurry. Itself has been profitable, and our proximity to the Sohu this mountain, makes it solid enough for Wang xiaochuan waits indefinitely. Senior IT industry watch peopleYang Xiaoming South reporter in an interview, also said that 2010 sogou Sohu sub-sectors, is directed at independent listing. "Now 360 market storm, sogou as companies have certain similarities, listing loud. Sogou this time if not intensify its IPO, after market hot spots in the past, lack of opportunities. "Yang Xiaoming also stressed," IBelieve that Ali quit, and sogou accelerated rush IPO, behind this change, there is a power-driven, it was hope sogou IPO as soon as possible. Ali relinquish its position guild wars 2 power leveling, shareholders in favour of sogou introducing more appropriate. "AI vector consulting CEO Chang believes that Sohu this repurchase, significant gains before may be listed on the dog caught in their own hands. This analysis andNon-not imaginary. Sohu operates in 2009 tour listing, also before the IPO stake in recovered swim at high prices in the primary market, after the listing of tour, recycling of these stakes bring considerable benefits to the Sohu. Qihoo Highway currently sogou Baidu business is mainly concentrated in three pieces, that is, input methods, browser, search. The three pieces of business will be delineated by sogou company "The three-stage rocket ". However, sogou three in the business, only input methods is the market leader in market share amounted to 83.6%. by your browser, search for a business, ranked in their respective markets to Disan��siming. Embarrassing is that despite the IME business occupy a monopoly position in the market, but the business can't give dog companies generate revenue. Sogou is currently the source of income and rely on searchAnd browser navigation. Reported, sogou revenues of US $ 23 million in the first quarter of this year, search contributed US $ 18 million, the navigation has contributed US $ 5 million. However, in the areas of search, browser, business, sogou Baidu had to face, 360 two big stumbling block. Wang xiaochuan has said that hope sogou search share in China of more than 15%,According to iResearch reports in the first quarter of this year, sogou search share around 3%, a distance of 15% there is still a long way to go; in the browser market, although IE's market share is declining gradually, but the 360 's market share has reached 27%, while sogou browser market share is only about 10%. Sogou browser to expand the marketThe amount, they inevitably face 360 this ceiling, which there will be a battle. Wang xiaochuan recently said that many new products will be introduced next, total products this year will increase to more than 10, which include "browser search for" new product "search engine". "In the area of search engines, browsers, search dogs and must be on Baidu, qihoo 360 carry,Cannot be left behind. Upcoming search engine is a peculiarly difficult thing, but search dogs need to do, or can't break. In the wireless field to invest, there is no future. "Southern Reporter Gao Lingyun intern Lin Chaodong

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129859145525781250_63 Aluminum extension 30-day takeover in South Gobi price c $ 8.48 Aluminum Corporation of China (601,600) reported, company and Ivanhoe Mines Ltd to acquire South Gobi resources limited does not exceed 60% of the issued and outstanding common stock offering time for a new consensus, on July 3, 2012 and announced that both sides had agreed to an extension of 30 days for Chinalco taking over 60%, South Gobi desert up to, but not less than56% common shares, the acquisition price of c $ 8.48 per share. Aluminum Corporation of China gw2 power leveling, the company has now agreed on or before August 3, 2012, rather than on July 5, 2012, issued a tender offer guild wars 2 power leveling, and since then the offer must be accepted as early as 36 days later. Aluminum Corporation of China on April 2, 2012 announcement was supposed to offer. Aluminum Corporation of China and Ai FenTag Heuer has signed an agreement for locking, Ivanhoe agreed to be held by all South Gobi proportionally deliver shares to Chinalco. In addition to issued the offer date, as well as the latest addition to delayed 30 days of the date of acceptance of the offer, lock all the other provisions of the agreement and without any changes. Chinalco said the company's offer will be based on the British Colombia law in the form of tender offer circular toShareholders in the South Gobi desert issue. On April 25, 2012, Ivanhoe and aluminum in China confirmed it will tie in Mongolia the Government to ensure that the offer meets the country's new regulations any requirements of strategic foreign investment-related legislation. [Scroll] Korea expected the most pessimistic people on income inequality in Asia (07-04)[Scroll] European Central Bank g Knott: do not intend to restart the bond purchase plan (07-04) [scroll] cities on Wednesday before the net outflow of capital outflow of 4.018 billion yuan of industrial medical (07-04) [scroll] part of the real estate enterprises had just finished desired real estate release (07-04) [scroll]850 million issued corporate bonds approved by the SFC for conch profiles (07-04) [scroll] "disclosure" Hangzhou Qiandao Lake sturgeon initial prospectus of gem Dragon technology company limited (07-04) [scroll] "disclosure" Liaoning kelong chemical company limited initial prospectus of gem ((07-04) [Scroll] Kweichow moutai clarify 2017 sales revenue of billions (07-04) [scroll] Shanghai and Baosteel signed jointly promote the local steel industry restructuring (07-04) [scroll] 30% steel production capacity away from Shanghai Baosteel this part in transition materialsService providers (07-04) [scroll] Chinese happiness increased sales in April-June, up near 45% (07-04) [scroll] XI Jinping met with Thailand Foreign Minister Sulak Pont (07-04) [scroll] Li keqiang met Portugal, Minister of State and Foreign Minister Paulo Portas (07-0419:04) [scroll] Jinhe bio-requisitioning guidelines tomorrow (07-04) [scroll] guotai Junan: Jinhe bio-inquiry-16.62 Yuan (07-04) [scroll] a local tax Bureau, Jiangsu 7 layers, Deputy Director falls to the police for investigation (figure) (07-047) [scroll] sent in June to the registration in Hong Kong of the sale and purchase agreement fell 27% (07-04) [scroll] vanke A6 months sales 13.3 billion sales of 62.5 billion yuan in the first half (07-04) [scroll] Park in non-public enterprises such as China will strengthen the development zone, party organization leading role (07-04) [scroll] social security audits: social security funds not included in the financial accounts management in some areas (07-04) [scroll] national garlic prices fell (07-04) [scroll] China participates in international competition power energy-saving emission reduction (07-04)[Scroll] Prof Qin Hui: Government's power and responsibility should correspond to (07-04) [scroll] Prof Qin Hui: Greece is a selfish country (07-04) [scroll] State: Government officials to take command in person to strengthen supervise (07-04) [scroll] euro-zone May retail sales monthHigher than expected rate of increase (07-04) [scroll] deployment audit identified problems rectifying work of the State Council (07-04) [scroll] Prof Qin Hui: globalization led to eurozone financial overdrafts (07-04) [scroll] 42 companies will finance rare earth project grants (07-04) [scroll] Prof Qin Hui: solve pension problems must be abolished and family planning (07-04) [scroll] Prof Qin Hui: family planning caused China's old-age crisis (07-04) [scroll] justices of the replenishment casualty insurers 300 million dollars of shareholders ' proportions (07-04) [scroll]Beijing since July, increase the proportion of 16 kinds of malignant tumor therapeutic claims (07-04) [scroll] ginseng is expected to be 2 new resources food companies or benefit (07-04) [scroll] Kunming pharmaceutical interim net profits pre-additional-30% (07-04) [scroll]74th futures million firm offer accounts shows (07-04) [scroll] ten agencies: infinite bounce is purely nonsense capital flight is thereby to be cautious (07-04) [scroll] July 4 unit multiples over 1000 times times (listed) (07-04) [scroll] Chinese information wasHolds 5% holdings of shareholders above unit (07-04) [scroll] tianwei baobian were cumulative reduction of 8.5 million shares 0.62% per cent of the total share capital of shareholders (07-04) revenue over expenditure is growing faster | Compared with 2005 growth times | Some areas not included in the financial accounts tubeActing on the audit revealed clues to thoroughly investigate what | Head to take command in person inspection | Bureau of land and resources will increase the financial system reform or violation concerned | Land transfer price or relief | Original Wuxi Bureau of land and resources bribery claims to be clean wenling people queued late at night House [financial] Hangzhou, Guangdong quality supervision Bureau bus spends over 40 million are now sky-high priceCamel milk [financial] Huang Ming solar aeration be Huang Sheng low price they are sons and daughters of relatives [financial] representations of original Wuxi officials clean: the developer is on official business, such as a red envelope [financial] Tangshan reported dozens of farmers due to real-Bank "loan" of retaliation after [stock] high sent in turn first unit appeared distant photoelectric proposes 10 10 3[stock] Days of the people's daily commentary appears to be interpreting it is out in the capital markets [commercial] Nokia reassessment: sunset West Hill post-PC era how to Microsoft [commercial] Japan Mobile Internet Lei Jun on the Zhou and the worsening of the mysteries behind the [financial] 1 million yuan in foreign bank 5 years storage period interest up to 90,000 different [fiscal] in HangzhouNext savings bonds be sky-high camel milk 10th last ten yin and Yang States in the world in Hollywood who is the gold?

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129859193744375000_55 Change of Tsingtao, may was the result of internal strategic differences. Analysts on the business (micro-blog) daily said, Tsingtao Brewery Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Tsingtao") Chairman Jin's departure, may instead of during his attention, slow expansion of profits from the competition concerned. Crsb rivals such as expansion, and then select strategies for improving profits,Tsingtao were victims of the situation. Crsb, parent company of China resources enterprise limited (00291. HK) annual report 2011 huarun snowflake beer sales of 10.235 million litres, and Tsingtao beer sales that year only to 715,000 liters. Internal divisions: the expansion or consolidation in January 2011, love Jin, Qingdao beer when Vice President globalYan Xu of the sudden resignation, President of marketing, Qingdao beer at that time said in its announcement of "personal reasons", Yan Xu remained as the company's senior marketing consultant. The industry was considered, Yan Xu of the game due to its leading "big customer" marketing system in the new situation it is difficult to promote. Tsingtao, an insider told the Business Journal said that compared to Yan Xu to push the customer, then GreenSun Mingbo, President of island beer, I prefer intensive marketing practices. "Yan Xu after the departure of Jin's departure was not a surprise. "Familiar with the beer industry analysts even think that internal thinking on development of Tsingtao would have two voices, an advocate for customers, brand, to profit, a focus on size, revenue, sales. In addition to this,A brokerage analysts also believed that, before the last few years, development of Qingdao Beer mainly focusing on the high-end products to create, too conservative in the expansion of market share, some missed expansion opportunities. As early as in August 2010, had external Sun Mingbo stance: "5 years of consolidation, Tsingtao brewery management capabilities significantly improve, so a new round of growth is inevitableAny enterprises cannot expand forever, it is impossible to permanently integrated. Consolidation and expansion are alternating, after gathering strength in integration, Tsingtao is entering a period of consolidation and expansion developed simultaneously. "In the Sun Mingbo last week in his capacity as Chairman for the first time unveiled at a press conference," share "is the most important keywords in Sun Mingbo statement. He said that in the coming years toChina's beer industry consolidation finally the opportunity to speed up development, future Tsingtao's position in the global beer industry. According to this understanding, Jin to leave a few days after, Tsingtao for internal communication, June 2012 current month sales breakthrough 1.001 million litres, rose 15%, a single-month sales record. A food and beverage industry analyst believes that, before last year'sTsingtao beer in a few years share a slower pace of expansion, there were strategic mistakes, profit, sales of rivals such as China resources snow continued to close, layout is also aggressive in the base in East China market, it can be said that to some extent missed a number of opportunities for development of Tsingtao. Perhaps it is one cause of Jin to leave. Tsingtao beer had showed hesitation in mergers and acquisitionsPsychology, such as the November 2010, Hangzhou xihu beer per cent of mergers and acquisitions, which is already up to only the last few steps, and occupy multiple advantages, but in equity auctions that day, China resources snow away at only slightly higher prices, crsb eventually get what they want from the hands of Qingdao Beer partner Asahi wholly acquired xihu beer. In addition to the crsb, Qingdao Beer faceCompetitors there play like Belgium Budweiser beer group InBev. Qingdao beer at an Investor Conference on recent mentions that as a strong competitor guild wars 2 power leveling, Budweiser-Busch InBev and strategies of Qingdao Beer is very similar to our main brand high-end, acquire some low-end brands. Statistics show that current Budweiser-Busch InBev layout as much scale of millions of tons of plants in China last year, sales5.66 million tons, expanding rapidly. However, judging from profits, Tsingtao is still competitive advantage, 2011 Tsingtao is vested in the shareholders of the parent company's net profit of $ 1.738 billion yuan, while China resources snow 2011 year profit attributable to shareholders of HK $ 785 million, or $ 643 million Yuan. State-owned enterprises Tsingtao: equity incentive for years practices it in addition to the development directionPossible differences, causes separation of the Jin, the industry there are many kinds of assertions, which are "likely to make a mistake, but not serious" speculation. But many people in the industry think, Qingdao municipal SASAC views may have played a role. Last year ranked second in the Qingdao municipal State-owned enterprises is satisfied that the amount of State-owned enterprise, Qingdao municipal SASAC is clearlyTsingtao beer had placed high hopes. Qingdao, Qingdao, issued by the State-owned assets supervision of State-owned enterprises "Twelve-Five" related development planning requirements, Qingdao Beer Group further optimize the layout of domestic capacity, build the provincial core base markets, keep upgrading in domestic beer industry leader, Tsingtao AG guarantees subject to the control of State-owned capital, a rights issue, shares, corporate bonds and other implementingFinancing, support the company's implementation of the integration of internal and external expansion both of "two-wheeled" strategy. In fact, in addition to the early separation of Jin, shareholder representative supervisor Du Changgong as the seventh Chairman of the Supervisory Board also served only one year, on June 27 shareholders ' reasons for retirement during departure, Duan Jiajun succeed Du Changgong as Chairman of the Supervisory Board by the Qingdao municipal shizhiEnterprise's Chairman of the Supervisory Board. In addition, compared to successor Sun Mingbo, Jin a much more high profile heads of State-owned enterprises. Biography that is associated in recent years with the cups of the sea, the Jin management journal. Last April, Jin when you attend a conference high profile claims that Chinese entrepreneurs should not put themselves into the so-called theorist, "when you become when the GodfatherIs your time to die ". Correspond with the changes mentioned above, Qingdao Beer of the large State-owned enterprise equity incentive has been to no avail. These brokerages, analysts said, Qingdao Beer has maintained that equity incentive plan in recent years have done gw2 power leveling, but the Government may have failed to pass. "As a brand, in the current circumstances, very difficult". At the Qingdao Beer 2006 years share reform programme, the commitment of implementing incentive, but over the years, equity incentive program has not become a reality. Jin 2009 talk about impact of Chen Fa tree stake in Tsingtao brewery will be referred to, the mechanism of private enterprises will be further activated mechanism of State-owned enterprises, such as incentive and long-term incentive to become better, Tsingtao breweryCompetitiveness will be improved, he even think that Tsingtao beer as a subsidiary enterprise of the local State-owned assets supervision on the proportion of equity incentive should be greater than yangqi breakthrough.

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129858981823750000_46 IPO business development by Baidu sogou shocks 360 Highway Sogou repurchase shares from Alibaba, its purpose was clearly prepared for separate listing. Two years ago, sogou Sohu split officially became an independent company, and introduced strategic investors such as Alibaba, Yun Feng fund joint investment. However, less than two years of marriage, was recently painted a full stop. The day before yesterday evening, Sohu Announces $ 25.8 million repurchase after AlibabaShares held all of the dog. Why did you choose this time repurchase, Sohu, sogou, Alibaba respects all muffled, declined to comment. But industry are relatively uniform, sogou repurchase shares in order to separate listing. Previously gw2 power leveling, market rumours, the dog will be listing next year, when listed by the Board of Trustees valuation target of us $ 2 billion. However, search dogs to big, Must be on the 360, Baidu on these "stumbling block". Ali cashed $ 25.8 million on August 9, 2010, sogou Sohu split up, and introduced Alibaba, and Zhang Yun Feng Fund individual investment funds, Photon Group of strategic investors, among them, 10.88% injection of $ 15 million per cent share of Alibaba. However, this marriage was clearlyA hasty marriage. Because these agreements reached 1.5 months ago, Charles Zhang and Ma getting in contact. When splitting, sogou situation of great distress, search market share is less than 1%, the browser market share is less than 1%, this market share is almost negligible. Qihoo 360 Zhou hongyi, Chairman plans sogou acquisitions over and almost ZhangThe acquisition agreement. Zhou hongyi calculation is, through the acquisition of sogou, achieve the combination of browser and search, which have the capacity to rival Baidu. However, single-handedly founded sogou sogou CEO Wang xiaochuan did not wish to see the flowers of his house. In order to maintain the integrity and control over the dog, invest Hangzhou, Wang xiaochuan to Ma sogou. Because Alibaba and Baidu, MA are also ready to develop its own search business, so that "Baidu sleep sleep", so, MA to intervene to persuade Zhang to abandon plans for a sold the dog to Zhou hongyi, so with this marriage. Public information display, after marriage, Alibaba, Yun Feng Fund, Charles Zhang's private funds, sogou, respectively about 10.88%, and 16% Stake, the remainder being of Sohu. To strategic investors rather than entering the dog found the Alibaba financial investment, but did not play the role of strategic investors. Industry insiders pointed out that Alibaba has its own search plan (June 2011, the company launched a Amoy network), additional resources will not be delivered to the dog guild wars 2 power leveling, this is Alibaba sogou lukewarmThe key. Wang xiaochuan recently said in an internal message to employees: "with the strategic upgrade of sogou, difficult at the strategic level of the group, Ali, we expect to continue to strengthen support for the dog. "The two sides parted, are inevitable. However, the buy-back price of US $ 25.8 million, meant that current valuations only against sogou as $ 237 million, according to market rumours searchDog on dog listing of the Board's objective valuation is $ 2 billion. Therefore, the industry generally believe that, Ali $ 25.8 million in the sale of the shares, belonging to the sale, doesn't think much of sogou, Ali, is likely to be in the future. When Alibaba staff interviewed by Nan responded by saying: "this is just a business, the price is right on the line. Is not optimistic about the dogIn the future. "Mobile Internet industry association Deputy President and Secretary General Li Yi said when accepting an interview with the South," Ali told Sohu is the combination a hasty, a strategic need. Later, Ali himself had many commitments unfulfilled, and there have been scouring a competition, so breaking up is reasonable. Sogou wings were hard to solo, AliTo a substantial amount of ' break fee ', you can provide a cash support for its privatization, so this break up break up peaceful, is beneficial to both sides. "Sogou prepared for a separate listing for sogou repurchase shares from Alibaba, its purpose was clearly prepared for separate listing. Since Sohu split in isolation, since the dog business on the high speed development track. Sohu PHIMonroe reported a first quarter of 2012, sogou achieving revenues of $ 23 million in the first quarter of this year, representing a growth of 184% since August 2010 after the split, sogou has in the past 7 in the quarter to keep the compound annual growth rate of 23.1%, 330% in revenue is split, flow has doubled. According to Wang xiaochuan revealed that dog in the second quarter revenuesWill reach 28 million-$ 29 million, total revenues of up to 50 million-US $ 55 million in the first half, 2012 annual revenue is expected to nearly US $ 100 million to 150 million. Wang xiaochuan wrote to sogou employees in a letter that "20 months, sogou search market share more than twice times, and in October 2011 for the first time more Google becomes the secondDazhongwen search engine; sogou incomes enhance nearly 8 times times, and in the third quarter of 2011, four-quarter profit for the first time; the dog found the number of employees more than 3 times to enhance, in 2012 a quarter scale over thousand years, have the strength to begin (are) on a larger scale strategic layout. "It is clear that today's sogou, and split when the dog has found a far cry from just two years ago. Shark's fin soupWing hard dog found a separate listing, also it is ripe. However, Wang xiaochuan recently have repeatedly expressed on many occasions, sogou before adjustment of industrial layout does not have good, before the user failed to do enough big, listed in no hurry. Itself has been profitable, and our proximity to the Sohu this mountain, makes it solid enough for Wang xiaochuan waits indefinitely. Senior IT industry watch peopleYang Xiaoming South reporter in an interview, also said that 2010 sogou Sohu sub-sectors, is directed at independent listing. "Now 360 market storm, sogou as companies have certain similarities, listing loud. Sogou this time if not intensify its IPO, after market hot spots in the past, lack of opportunities. "Yang Xiaoming also stressed," IBelieve that Ali quit, and sogou accelerated rush IPO, behind this change, there is a power-driven, it was hope sogou IPO as soon as possible. Ali relinquish its position, shareholders in favour of sogou introducing more appropriate. "AI vector consulting CEO Chang believes that Sohu this repurchase, significant gains before may be listed on the dog caught in their own hands. This analysis andNon-not imaginary. Sohu operates in 2009 tour listing, also before the IPO stake in recovered swim at high prices in the primary market, after the listing of tour, recycling of these stakes bring considerable benefits to the Sohu. Qihoo Highway currently sogou Baidu business is mainly concentrated in three pieces, that is, input methods, browser, search. The three pieces of business will be delineated by sogou company "The three-stage rocket ". However, sogou three in the business, only input methods is the market leader in market share amounted to 83.6%. by your browser, search for a business, ranked in their respective markets to Disan��siming. Embarrassing is that despite the IME business occupy a monopoly position in the market, but the business can't give dog companies generate revenue. Sogou is currently the source of income and rely on searchAnd browser navigation. Reported, sogou revenues of US $ 23 million in the first quarter of this year, search contributed US $ 18 million, the navigation has contributed US $ 5 million. However, in the areas of search, browser, business, sogou Baidu had to face, 360 two big stumbling block. Wang xiaochuan has said that hope sogou search share in China of more than 15%,According to iResearch reports in the first quarter of this year, sogou search share around 3%, a distance of 15% there is still a long way to go; in the browser market, although IE's market share is declining gradually, but the 360 's market share has reached 27%, while sogou browser market share is only about 10%. Sogou browser to expand the marketThe amount, they inevitably face 360 this ceiling, which there will be a battle. Wang xiaochuan recently said that many new products will be introduced next, total products this year will increase to more than 10, which include "browser search for" new product "search engine". "In the area of search engines, browsers, search dogs and must be on Baidu, qihoo 360 carry, don't fallTeam. Upcoming ' search engine ' is a particularly difficult thing, but search dogs need to do, or can't break. In the wireless field to invest, there is no future. ��

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129859193824531250_223 On July 4, the seaborne coal network indices published by the Centre thermal coal price index showed around the Bohai: 5,500 kcal with this integrated steam coal the average price down to 676 Yuan/ton, compared with the previous period once again plummeted 26 Yuan/ton, compared to 800 Yuan/ton in the beginning there are 124 Yuan/ton per cent decline. "Currently there are transactions are essentially focused on coal contracts, spot coal onlyA small number of transactions. "Coal industry Qinhuangdao ocean shipping coal transaction market analysts An Zhiyuan told reporters that while the Hong Kong stocks compared to the previous period have 150,000-250,000 tons of fall, but is still high, for coal-carrying train into the harbor still has limitations. Downturn in the macroeconomic situation, imports of coal impact, increased output of hydropower and electricity business inventories remain high, remains of coal traded weakReasons for above reasons overlay, more Furthermore coal enterprises in maintaining production growth guild wars 2 power leveling, which prompted the coal price "falling over". 2012 5,500 kcal of Shenhua group focusing on contract coal price 595 Yuan/ton, are currently the same specification coal external market priced at 670 Yuan/ton, and spreads are still shrinking. A large number of private traders no longer purchase in June, exit spotTrading markets. Pointed out that one coal enterprises in Shanxi, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Henan province have been limiting measures in disguise, but the hand of government regulation of market forces is limited, mutual suspicion, previous investments and mergers between coal enterprises capacity need to be released, but also factors such as their financial demands, "but when coal prices dropped below the cost of coal enterprises only reached consensus on limiting". Even the falling price andTraders exit "intense program of coal prices have gone beyond 2008. "Network of Qinhuangdao coal data display, the calorific value of coal Terminal 5,500 kcal levels in the market price of steam coal trading down 25 Yuan/ton to 665 dollars per ton than the" coal "maximum limit level is already low 135 Yuan/ton. "Actual prices may be lower than this. "Hao international energy limited, marketing manager of the South Mr Chen believes that current published data may be the actual price two weeks ago, currently such as Shenhua, coal, big enterprises such as Thai, with a focus on contract coal basic receives a 100% performance, "enterprises after you digest your focus on contract coal, will only consider spot coal". Mr Chen told reporters that the current decline in Qinhuangdao port stocks are due toTo control the amount of incoming trains now only 6000-7000 cars daily truck, "entering Hong Kong Limited wagon it is helpless, but can ease the pressure on port storage, unable to resolve the contradiction between supply and demand, coal prices will continue falling down". Qinhuangdao coal price has fallen below 5,500 kcal 700 Yuan/ton mark, and last up to 860 Yuan/ton. Enterprise heapCoal Qinhuangdao port, you need to pay is not only a yard, but over time, lower calorific value of coal, coal price reduction values needed to deal with. Yard costs, for example, Qinhuangdao port 10 days ago, is 0.2 Yuan/tons per day, every day for 10 days after 0.3 Yuan/ton, only 10,000 tons of yard or 2000-3,000 yuan a day. "Coal prices decreased by intense degreeBeyond 2008. "Vantone international logistics company in Guangxi international manager Lin Huijiang shudder, he met a trader there are currently 50 million the value of pressure in the Qinhuangdao port," for more than a month, prices had lost millions of dollars ", currently in Qinhuangdao port has been basically exits by private traders, are in a wait state. In early July the main coastal power plant thermal coal inventory 15.48 million tons, and coal is available down to 25 days, but is still higher than last year nearly 6 days, and power plants generally does not achieve full status. "Coal prices will continue to decline. "Guiguan electric power qiujunhai judge, Director of security, due to the cancelled 200 Yuan/ton of coal in Guizhou province, Fund, now owned by the company two-thirds of coal in Guizhou coal in thermal power plants," 5,500Kcal in Guizhou coal price of around 670 Yuan/ton, linked with the Qinhuangdao port taxi ". At the same time, water May or June to increase compared to last year in the South, such as Red River in May 7%. Qiujunhai said that under the premise of hydropower output full, guiguan electric power in he-Shan thermal power plant, only open a 670,000-kilowatt unit, 330,000-kilowatt unit left idle.Coal enterprises after a 10% and redemption fees to cancel the April cut wages, May cut wages of employees in coal mining area in 10% analysis of Mr Chen gw2 power leveling, many foreign ships stranded at sea, coal enterprises inventory on the rise, "does not exclude the spot down to focus on contract coal price levels". "Golden 10" as we approach the end of the first winter, coal companies have been offering redundancy pay cut banner. After 20April 12 pay cuts after the 10%, again in May cut wages of employees in coal mining area in 10%, also will be conducted at the grass-roots staff layoffs in mining areas; under coal mine of Shanxi coking coal group in disguise wage cuts, previously undertaken by the Group 100% the issuance of wage to turn into a 30% by the coal mines each. Industry news, 20% Yong and yima coal group group intends to cut wages, Zhengzhou coal setMission and the Henan coal chemical group has cut wages plan, leadership pay cut may be hyper-20%. 1-in May, the great province of Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi coal yield double digit growth. 1 output of 377 million tons of coal in Shanxi province, an increase of 14.3%. Sigh these coal enterprises in Shanxi province, behind coal enterprises continue to increase, "2011 national thermal power investment of some 26%, and has even 6 years reduction ". This shift, more serious excess. "Coal consolidation, non-low quality and poor quality of Shanxi coal capacity was limited, but mine and coal mine also in the release of merger and reorganization in the capacity. "The coal enterprises in Shanxi province said the coal enterprises is still a good profit, but limiting the production of consensus between the coal enterprises is still difficult," between the province and the province, between the enterprise and the enterprise benefitYi inconsistent demands ". The person, for example, in Shanxi, coking coal group main producing coal, steam coal does not concern greater market share of coal in power coal in Shanxi, but works closely with the relationships of five major coal enterprises in Shanxi province, "consensus is the premise: coal prices to below cost price; industry sector increased security investigated and dealt with profits, and ticketing effective supervision and management". The other hand, coal enterprisesCalls for the reform of taxes and fees. Rough estimates, China's coal price structure, cost dozens of additional taxes, accounted for one-fifth coal prices, transport links, for one-second, such as highway funding costs, automobile short, special maintenance fees, rail freight, rail, wagon maintenance fees, closing fees ... ... Deputy Li Jianwei, Director of Shanxi electric power Association put it bluntly, China coal price high, because"Water" a lot. Monopolies of coal transportation and marketing channels such as local governments, "a lift charge", a ton of coal charging an additional 30-50 Yuan, high power costs nearly 2 cents. Coal industry experts said, from the beginning of June, Henan province on the enterprise the Province sold coal to cancel Government charged 30 yuan per ton price adjustment fund, easing pressure on production operation. ShangAccording to people in coal enterprises in Shanxi province, compared to last year, the coal enterprises in Shanxi province feels the general sense of miscellaneous fees and tax burdens to be reduced a lot, "da-Qin railway now more than 20% surplus capacity, now car loading, point grey costs such as installation fees do not have to", but how much more harsh and tax cancellation efforts have remained unknown.

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129859145648593750_325 Sino-US regulators agreed cross-border supervision of Auditors agreement is expected to fall during the year SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro, Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan in Beijing on July 2 meeting with United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Mary Schapiro's message has aroused widespread concern in the audit industry. Industry this optimism yesterday predicted that Sino-US regulators, cross-border supervision of Auditors agreement is expected to be reached in the near future, later also settled during the year. "Four"Certified public accountants partner yesterday also revealed that after 5 years of negotiation, agreement reached after the cross-border supervision, regulatory bodies, namely, the China Securities Regulatory Commission is expected to be the Chinese side have the primary regulatory responsibility. "We are already involved in the project, develop a program against the new regulatory regime. "The partners said. From the feedback information displays in the industry, China and the cross-border supervision on audit protocolsIn the second half of this year reached expected very strong. Beijing network information displays, when Mary Schapiro, in a meeting with Vice Premier Wang Qishan, both agree on Sino-US economic relations, securities regulatory cooperation and the two countries exchanged views on the reform and development of China's securities industry. Industry insiders expect, this can become a cross-border supervision agreement between the final sprint. Public information display, 5Mid-months, United States public company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) President zhanmusi��duodi (James R.Doty) have said that United States officials on the Sino-US strategic dialogue, have made progress on this agreement. "However, to completely release the United States regulatory agencies to review cross-border listed companies in the United States, China is not reality", said the partners mentioned above,"Therefore we expect the initial agreement reached will be dominated by Chinese regulatory, United States regulatory supplement. "As far as China United States requirements audit institutions issues papers of Auditors of listed companies in the United States. The person believes that cross-border regulatory agreement early, the Chinese side should not compromise on this. In recent years, the United States-listed Chinese stocks spurted out frequent fraud scandal, a number of Chinese conceptUnit Audit Agency announced its withdrawal from, or been exposed auditees have financial problems. But regulatory accountability are in dire straits. United States securities regulators said, because they could not gather information in China, United States the SFC investigation of these companies were forced to halt. Audit institutions into cross-border supervision system, become a priority for the supervision of the United States. It is learnt that, since 2007,PCAOB and Chinese regulators discuss bilateral regulatory agreements reached, but formal negotiations were beginning last year, May 9, 2011, in the third round of us-China strategic and economic dialogue, cross-border audit regulatory cooperation was included for the first time joint economic dialogue results description, which marked the formal opening of negotiations between the two sides. By August 9, 2011, Regulators published a joint statement between China and America, previously held in Beijing in July, 12th Conference on cross-border censorship of cooperation achieved good results, important step towards public company review of regulatory cooperation. But so far no concrete forming agreements in place. On May 9 this year, SEC on Shanghai Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (hereinafter referred to as "DeloitteShanghai ") to prosecute, on the grounds that the SEC was conducting a corporate fraud investigations, Deloitte Shanghai deny SEC audit papers. It heralds a real conflict is further deteriorating, once again highlighting the critical nature of the audit cooperation talks. Most influential global markets in the US Portal NetEase [scroll] integrated operating the China Merchants Bank restructuring in Tibet blocked trustIn vain (07-05) [scroll] with different lives, Stella McCartney's Waterloo (07-05) [scroll] of the Chi Chi storm: anime world of Sham Shui Po (07-05) [scroll] mobile phone "new cottage model" what's the difference? 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